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Be your Animal


Dr phil./PhD
Art historian, curator, author
Freelance lecturer for cultural organisations and artists
Head of the "Learning from animals" course at the Kientalerhof campus

Animal Shiatsu Therapist ME
Trust Technique® Practitioner (UK-Level 3)
Somatic Coach (accredited Diploma in body-oriented Coaching / ICF accredited Coaching Education Level 2) 


Reiki Level 2b
End of Life Doula for animals 
cert. Aromatherapy counsellor for animals
cert. Nutritionist for dogs + cats
cert. animal communicator 


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'Be your animal' is a project close to my heart. I want to bring together my various fields of activity in a meaningful way. For many years, I have been researching and writing about art (modern art, Brazilian art, ephemeral art), currently especially about the image of man, precisely because it is essentially characterised today by the questioning of the boundaries between animal and human. I also work as a lecturer for museums and artists and sometimes curate an exhibition. For several years now, I have been training professionally in various body and alternative therapies, coaching and mindfulness techniques. I am also interested in the connections to topics of independent or ethnographic healing, primal power and indigenous knowledge, consciousness research, animal knowledge and living in authenticity and resonance with the environment.


There are exciting overlaps here with artistic practices, transdisciplinary research and an increased need to speak out as a researcher on the development of society and the environment. From my artistic background, I am also interested in alternative pedagogical approaches such as those of the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, who brought me closer to 'learning from the other'. All these interests fuel my thirst to learn more and more about how and what we can learn from this 'other' (animals, nature, other people).

Therefore: Be your animal - be your animal! 

I invite you to join me on this journey!

Susanne Neubauer




Commission member

Many Paths to the Heart is an international group of people who are developing physical sanctuaries and online educational spaces where individuals are encouraged to create together in community with animals and plants, to cultivate a harmonious inner and outer world.

Join us on facebook!



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